And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life, and some to shame
and everlasting contempt.
Daniel 12:2
The heart will be judged first,
So of all your deeds, which is the worst?
For murder or manslaughter, it's destination hell:
For rape or torture, it's there as well.
For misdemeanours minor, like thieving and lies,
It's rebirth in lower forms, such as flies.
But for the heart full of love it's a different story.
This one will surely ascend in glory.
Secondly, the mind will be on display,
For there'll be no brain to hide thoughts away.
So if you've been thinking of revenge and hate,
Then I'm sorry to say for you It's too late;
For I clearly hear Lucifer stoking his fire
As he waits for you - your situation's dire.
But if you've focused on loving and giving,
Then your Soul in paradise will soon be living.
Last to be assessed is your Spirit's progression -
It's best if your lives have been free of obsession.
If divine intuition has moved you along
Your designated path with a cheerful song,
Then I can honestly say I'm happy for you:
Incarnation's harsh lessons are finally through!