Inspired by my good friend, Lon Anderson...
Gold edged plate, lamb in mint sauce.
Belly full, appetite satisfied
by the skill of gourmet chef.
But I never dare contemplate
what it is I'm actually ingesting:
this succulent flesh -
muscle tissue of young mammal
that will nourish my cells
yet, paradoxically,
stunt my spiritual growth.
This processed grass
that once enclosed a Soul
so trusting of mankind
for the whole of its life - so short a life -
until farm track led to abattoir
and mass annihilation.
Pausing at the boundary of lush green field.
A solitary lamb approaches
inquisitively, without fear.
Our eyes meet across electric fence:
two identical,
yet differently manifested Spirits.
And my hands drip blood.
Gold edged plate, lamb in mint sauce.
Belly full, appetite satisfied
by the skill of gourmet chef.
But I never dare contemplate
what it is I'm actually ingesting:
this succulent flesh -
muscle tissue of young mammal
that will nourish my cells
yet, paradoxically,
stunt my spiritual growth.
This processed grass
that once enclosed a Soul
so trusting of mankind
for the whole of its life - so short a life -
until farm track led to abattoir
and mass annihilation.
Pausing at the boundary of lush green field.
A solitary lamb approaches
inquisitively, without fear.
Our eyes meet across electric fence:
two identical,
yet differently manifested Spirits.
And my hands drip blood.