
Friday, 25 January 2019


For Jeremy...

I'm not mad,
it just seems that way
when mania strikes
and I'm mega enthusiastic
about what others would deem trivia.
The chemicals in my brain get all mixed up.
I am akin to a robot prone to short-circuiting.
Neural pathways malfunction,
creating loops that repeat themselves
over and over and over again,
creating a kind of an acute awareness
of other's emotions. Consequently,
crowds become overwhelming -
indeed, terrifying. Their en masse
thoughts and moods penetrate my skull.
Major panic attack!
It is the loops that let them in.
The so-called "normal" brain is immune
to this kind of intrusion - it's
possessor is incapable of comprehending
how I process this additional flow of data
and so they fear and avoid me.
I am grossly misunderstood.
I am the actor who became his favourite role.

I feel for the psychiatrists. Suddenly
I am an irresistible enigma, a paradox
their analytic minds need to resolve
in order to justify their superiority
over "impaired" individuals like myself. Of course
it's all an elaborate delusion - this superiority.
My loops will ultimately defeat them:
a mind like mine cannot be categorised.
It travels too furiously, too erratically
and never quite integrates with my body.
It is like an anthill: a myriad of separate awarenesses
radiating out in all directions simultaneously.
The analyst, at best, will simply slip
between the lines of communication
and become entangled within
the abstract metaphors
that define who I am.
Only I can unravel the whole truth:


  1. Beautifully written and brings awareness to those of us who may not understand what is happening to change someone's personality so quickly from one moment to the next.
    Hope you are feeling well my sweet friend. You are always in my prayers.

    Hugs and Much Love

    1. Oh thank you, dearest Jan! My deepest appreciation!!

      Unfortunately I now have an infection, in addition to the allergic reaction to the dermabond glue.:(
      So it's antibiotics, antihistamines and steroid cream for me. It feels sometimes that I will never recover! Lol
      I do hope things are going Ok with your sister. I think of you all. Always. :))

      I love your new blog. Such a pleasure to visit, as always!

      All my love & hugs xxx

  2. Such an astute and accurate, artistically well expressed understanding. Such a thin line between being and denying

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much, Anthony!
      Yes, such a frightening illness...and so painful to observe.

      Have a Great Sunday!

  3. LEGION indeed. And fortunately no longer quite as hidden as before. Small steps have been made, huge strides are needed.
    Thinking of you with love and caring.

    1. My heartfelt thanks, Sue!:)
      Yes I agree, it does so desperately need those huge strides.
      But, as you say, awareness of mental illness is growing. And it is becoming less of a stigma.

      Lots of Love & Hugs xxx

  4. As always your words and message are beautifully written.
    Thinking of you ... sending positive thoughts and saying a prayer.

    May your weekend be peaceful and healing.

    All the best Jan

    1. Many thanks, Jan...I really appreciate that!
      And thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers
      too...that truly means so much to me.:))

      I do hope you are having a wonderful weekend too.

      Lots of Love & Hugs xxx

  5. An amazing write! Opens our souls, to those who we may not understand.
    Thinking of you always! Big Hugs! Stacy

    1. Oh are so kind...thank you so much!!
      You are always in my thoughts too!

      Much Love & Hugs xoxoxo

  6. Remarkably done dear friend!

    yes with us we have legion

    there are lots of you in you indeed

    time and situations discovers them gradually

    and this is for survival

    i am strongly sure about the powerful lady like you that there is no disease or odd which can stand against your powerful strength !

  7. Dearest Baili...I am truly touched by your faith in me! I do so wish I could feel strong sometimes, when the future send hopeless. At those times, I just hang on to my faith and hope the feelings will pass.
    You are such a help to me, dear Friend...and such a shining example.
    Thank you so, so, much!😊😊

    All my love and hugs ❤❤❤


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